Friday, September 16, 2011

International Women's Friendship Month

While it is well into September, I wanted to remind everyone that it is International Women's Friendship Month! This month is to appreciate all of the great women you have in your life including your friends, moms, aunts, grandmas, cousins, and any girl who has made an impact on you in one way or another. National Women's Friendship Day is celebrated on September 24 at Kappa Delta Omega Xi and we will be having activities going on during the day. Last year, the theme was nineties and we watched Disney movies, listened to our favorite boy bands such as N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys, and made picture frames to give to our big, little, mom, best friend, or any girl of our choosing. This year we will be having an ice cream sundae bar will and a crafting activity which is structured so that you make something for another woman that you care about. This will just be a reminder to her of how much she means to you, especially during International Women's Friendship Month.

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