Friday, September 16, 2011

International Women's Friendship Month

While it is well into September, I wanted to remind everyone that it is International Women's Friendship Month! This month is to appreciate all of the great women you have in your life including your friends, moms, aunts, grandmas, cousins, and any girl who has made an impact on you in one way or another. National Women's Friendship Day is celebrated on September 24 at Kappa Delta Omega Xi and we will be having activities going on during the day. Last year, the theme was nineties and we watched Disney movies, listened to our favorite boy bands such as N*SYNC and Backstreet Boys, and made picture frames to give to our big, little, mom, best friend, or any girl of our choosing. This year we will be having an ice cream sundae bar will and a crafting activity which is structured so that you make something for another woman that you care about. This will just be a reminder to her of how much she means to you, especially during International Women's Friendship Month.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Continued

Megan Fangman
I am currently on vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina with my boyfriend Brian and his family! We are having a great time, and I'm really thankful for the chance to relax. A couple weeks ago, Brian and I made a trip up to Cedar Point with my sister and our friend. I also have ran a couple races! So far, I've been sticking to smaller ones (5K), but I'm really hoping to get myself in shape for the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day Race 10K. Other than that, I have taken up golf (and haven't seriously injured anyone yet), went to a concert, and have been laying by the pool. Not anything too exciting, but the perfect way to wind down after the craziness of the school year.  

Emily Schwarzmann

My summer hasn't been overly exciting, pretty much just working full time and going out when I actually have the energy.  But I did go on a vacation with my family and some close family friends to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in June.  We stayed at a resort and it was beautiful! I also have a trip planned to go to San Diego, California the first week in August to visit my mom.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer Sisters!

I wanted to check in with everyone to see how they were spending their time off. Each girl has written their own entry about what they have done all summer. Hope you enjoy the blog!

Kody Blankenship
So this summer I went on vacation to Myrtle Beach and had tons of fun! I also became an employee of CVS as a CPhT (Certified Pharmacy Technician), and I went to Katie Hatfield's birthday celebration :)  And, I'm going to see Paul McCartney live on August 4th at Great American Ball Park, which I am super excited for! It's also the first concert they have ever had there. I don't do anything else exciting really except hang out with my boyfriend, Danny, and lay out by the pool.

Chelsea Rourke
I have been to Florida this summer and went to Disney and Universal. Everyone needs to go down there to Universal to Harry Potter world because it is literally the coolest place I have ever been!! In the picture, I'm standing in front of the train in my KD shirt! Sadly enough you cant really get any closer to the train than what I am but it's still a blast at that place! Other than that I've just been hanging out doing the usual, working and going out! Hope everyone else is having a greattttttt summer! Cant wait to see all of your pretty faces!

Katie Hatfield
So far this summer I have just been working a lot! I turned 19 on July 7. Thank you to our sisters who were home and could make it to my birthday dinner. I also went to the final Harry Potter midnight premiere. On July 31, I'm going to see Tim McGraw and Luke Bryan in concert at Riverbend. I fully plan on making a KD sign for Luke Bryan's "Sorority Girls" of course! :) I also plan on going to see Brad Paisley at the Ohio State Fair in August. Other than that, I've just been hanging out with my friends that are home from college, boating, having bonfires and camping. Hope everyone else is having an amazing summer!

Sophie Lebowitz

I wish I could tell you that I have done something as awesome as study abroad but I really have only been working a ton!!! I have been hanging out with some of the girls that are living in the house over the summer and that has been fun! I really think the best part of the summer was when a ton of us went to Joe's Crab Shack for Katie Hatfield's birthday :) There are a few photos of that up on facebook. We had a group of 20 girls go! Can't wait to see you all in the fall!

Kelsey Wenning

Rachel Oakland and I are attending a six week summer program at Audencia Grande Ecole de Mangagement, which is one of the top business schools in France.  This program teaches us about the European Union, cultural differences between France and the United States, and marketing to European targets.  One week was spent actually visiting the different branches of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium.  In addition to visiting Brussels, we have also had the opportunity to visit other places in Europe.  Rachel and I have heard the bells of Notre Dame in Paris, rode bicycles through the vineyards of Beaune (Burgundy, Wine Country), walked the aisle at the West Minster Abbey in London, and threw coins into the Trevi Fountain in Rome.  This weekend we took it easy and stuck our toes in the sands of longest beach in Europe, La Baule, and visited other local places with our amazing host parents.  All in all, a pretty successful trip!  We only have five days left in France until we fly back home to our friends and families.


Thank you ladies for sending me your summer activities so far! I am looking forward to hearing more of your stories!