Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer Continued

Megan Fangman
I am currently on vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina with my boyfriend Brian and his family! We are having a great time, and I'm really thankful for the chance to relax. A couple weeks ago, Brian and I made a trip up to Cedar Point with my sister and our friend. I also have ran a couple races! So far, I've been sticking to smaller ones (5K), but I'm really hoping to get myself in shape for the Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day Race 10K. Other than that, I have taken up golf (and haven't seriously injured anyone yet), went to a concert, and have been laying by the pool. Not anything too exciting, but the perfect way to wind down after the craziness of the school year.  

Emily Schwarzmann

My summer hasn't been overly exciting, pretty much just working full time and going out when I actually have the energy.  But I did go on a vacation with my family and some close family friends to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in June.  We stayed at a resort and it was beautiful! I also have a trip planned to go to San Diego, California the first week in August to visit my mom.